Monday, 16 February 2015

Grifta is the modular gamepad that transforms into multiple configurations

Gamepads haven’t really changed much over the years. Sure, they’ve evolved with the addition of more buttons, joysticks, triggers and haptic feedback but they’re still more or less a one-size-fits-all design dictated by the manufacturer. A product heading to Kickstarter on Monday aims to reinvent the gamepad in a way that makes you wonder...

Saturday, 14 February 2015

This $34 smartphone dongle can test for HIV in just 15 minutes

Researchers at Columbia University havecreated a smartphone accessory capable oftesting for HIV and syphilis. The device ishardly any bigger than your typical phone, isinexpensive to manufacture and can produceresults in a fraction of the time such testingnormally takes.The smartphone accessory was recently put tothe test in a small clinical trial...